Centre europeen pour les langues vivantes

Banque de ressources

Des ressources gratuites relatives à tous les aspects de l'apprentissage des langues lié au travail pour les migrants adultes. Filtrez les ressources pour trouver exactement ce que vous recherchez.
247 ressources disponibles

A and O project, Arbeitsplatzorientierte Grundbildung für Geringqualifizierte (2015)
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Adaptation des formateurs en milieu professionnel (2012)
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Adult education policies, practice in Europe (2011)
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Alberta Teachers of English as a Second Language (ATESL)
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ALM (Adults Learning Maths)
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Análisis de necesidades en el sector turismo y hostelería (2009)
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Apprenticeship literacy in New Zealand (2011)
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Aprendiendo un idioma para trabajar (2002)
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ArbetSam approach (2013)
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ArbetSam film (2013)
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Aspire Project (2011)
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Autonomous learning strategies at work (2009)
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Basic Skills for Work project (2004-7)
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Berufsbezogene Deutschsprachförderung LERNZIELE A2-C1 (2019)
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Berufssprache Deutsch (2015)
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Betriebliches Sprachmentoring (2018)
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Better language skills, better care (2011)
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BIBB (Bundesinstitut fur Berufsbildung)
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Bibliography for work-related German language learning (2014)
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Bitesize approach to workplace language learning (2005)
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Building Blocks: Developing second language resources for working life (2019-23)
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Building Blocks: Työelämässä tarvittavien toisen kielen resurssien rakentuminen - Developing second language resources for working life
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Care skillsbase (2012)
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Catapult project (2018)
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CATAPULT: Computer-Assisted Training And Platforms to Upskill LSP Teachers (2018)
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Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks
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Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance (SKOPE)
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Cestim centro studi immigrazione
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CLILstore guide for CLIL teachers (2013)
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Coaching to support self-directed literacy and language learning (2016)
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Composition of UK low-skilled workforce in social care, retail (2014)
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Constructive approaches to migration
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Coping with language differences in a super-diverse context (2015)
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Council of European Professional and Managerial Staff (Eurocadres)
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Critical history of UK adult basic education, 1970-2000
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Croatia Guide (Justlanded website)
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Croatia: Government advice for aliens
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Cultural diversity strategy for Malta (2009)
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Culture at work (2013)
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Curriculum for integration training in Finland (2012)
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Cyprus - LfW country profile (2016)
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Denmark - LfW country profile (2016)
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Des étudiants payés pour enseigner le français aux petits commerçants de Montréal / Students paid to teach French to small traders (2018)
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Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz
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Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz - Betriebliches Sprachmentoring (2018)
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Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz - Deutschkurse in Unternehmen (2019)
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Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz - Sprachcoaching (2018)
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Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz in der Kartoffelmanufaktur Pahmeyer (2017)
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Deutsch habe ich im Betrieb gelernt (2014)
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Developing and evaluating workplace literacy programmes (1996)
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Développer les compétences clés pour rechercher un emploi (2012)
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Digital technology to support refugees (2016)
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DigLin, CALL literacy learning for migrants (2015)
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Eastern Partnership Panel on Migration and Asylum
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Ein Tag Deutsch in der Pflege app (2018)
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Embedding literacy and essential skills in workplace learning (2012)
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Empfehlungen zur Förderung von Deutsch als Zweitsprache im Kontext der Arbeit (2023)
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Empowerment through education: Women breaking the English barrier (2016)
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Encyclopaedia of informal education
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English for employability
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EPALE, Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe
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ESOL Nexus
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Eurofound: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
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European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA)
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European business organisation - BusinessEurope
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European Centre for Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
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European Centre for Modern Languages
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European Language Portfolio (2001)
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European Literacy Policy Network (ELINET)
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European Migration Network
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European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (EQF)
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European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA)
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European terminology in adult learning (2010)
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European Trade Union Confederation
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European website on integration
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Eurostat statistics explained
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EurWORK: the European Observatory of Working Life
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Evaluation in workplace literacy programmes (1995)
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Fast Lane to the Labour Market
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Filipino nurses coming to Finland
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Finland - LfW country profile (2016)
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Fondazione ISMU – Initiatives and Studies on Multi-ethnicity
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France - LfW country profile (2016)
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German in the workplace (2014)
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Germany - LfW country profile (2016)
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Glossary for European education and training policy (2014)
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Glossary of terms related to work organisation (2006)
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Good practice in work-related Danish language training (2017)
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Guida per rifugiata / Guide for refugees (2016)
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Guidance for labour unions on how to support language learning (2015)
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Guide to non-directive coaching (2017)
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Guide to research on workplace literacy (1991)
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Guidelines for designing inclusive digital solutions and developing digital skills (2018)
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Guidelines to help UK businesses employ refugees (2019)
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Handledarutbildning och språkstöd (Supervisor training and language support)
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Het Taalakkoord (Language agreement)
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History of VET (Vocational Education and Training) in Europe (2005)
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How do immigrants use social networks to access jobs? (2013)
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How learning a new language improves tolerance
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How learning happens at work (2011)
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How skills are used in the workplace (2016)
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How volunteers can support language learning by refugees (2016)
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Human rights of migrants
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I learned German at work (2016)
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Iceland - LfW country profile (2016)
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Immigrants, English, and the workplace (2011)
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Immigration, asylum law in Europe
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Impacts of workplace essential skills training (2013)
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Industrial language training for multi-racial workplaces (1978)
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Industrial language training: three approaches (1985)
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Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS)
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Instructional practices in workplace literacy (1996)
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Integration not demonisation (2017)
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Integration policies in Croatia (2014)
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International adult literacy policies (2011)
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International Organisation for Migration (IOM)
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Italy (Emilia-Romagna) - LfW country profile (2016)
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Job interview resources (New Zealand)
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KING Project (Knowledge for INtegration Governance) report (2014)
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Kosovo - LfW country profile (2016)
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Koti Suomessa
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L2 nursing trainees in hospital
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Langage & nettoyage (2013)
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Language advising - the role of the language advisor (2016)
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Language advocates (Språkombud) film (2019)
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Language Development Through Work
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Language for work - A quick guide (2017)
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Language in the Workplace Project (New Zealand)
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Language issues in migration, integration (2014)
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Language learning for work in France, the UK, Germany and Canada / Quebec (2012)
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Language learning in the wild
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Language needs of adult immigrants (1973)
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Language requirements for adult migrants in Council of Europe member states (2011)
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Language support for minority ethnic groups in Northern Ireland (2002)
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Language, disadvantage & ethnic minorities (1981)
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Langues et employabilité (2014)
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Le lien entre langage, travail et didactique (2015)
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Leading on learning (2012)
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Learning at work as a low-grade worker (2011)
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Learning by design guide (2005)
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Learning resources for care work (AIMER project, 2009-12)
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Learning to learn literature review (2010)
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LESLLA (Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults)
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LIFOP - Language of professional training: fostering the participation of migrant workers in vocational education in Italy (1999)
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Linguistic challenges for migrant retail and wholesale workers (2012)
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Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants (LIAM): Key terms
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Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants: Policy and practice (2014)
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Literacy and vocation - lit.voc (2013)
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Literacy at work (2015)
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Literacy curriculum for migrants in Finland (2012)
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Literacy for the workplace (1988)
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Literacy tests and social policy (1992)
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Literacy, language, numeracy and IT skills development in low-paid, low-skilled workplaces (2006)
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Living and working in Italy
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LLAKES Centre for research on learning and life chances
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LUCIDE project (2011-14)
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Maahanmuuttajabarometri / Review of integration in Finland (2012)
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Macedonia - LfW country profile (2016)
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Mainz manifesto (2004)
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Making inclusion work (2017)
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Malta - LfW country profile (2016)
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Maximizing potential: How countries can address skills deficits within the immigrant workforce (2013)
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Meet the Need compendium, Teacher's guide (2012)
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Meet the Need project (2011-2012)
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Migrant employment outcomes in European labour markets (2015)
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Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX)
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Migrant language learning: Policy challenges and ICT responses (2011)
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Migrants in working life (research network)
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Migration citizenship education
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Migration Policy Institute
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Migration Research Unit (University College, London)
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Migration, integration country profiles
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Migration, networks and resources (2014)
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Mobile phone based learning (2010)
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Models of adult learning (2003)
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Multicultural teaching approach (2010)
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Multilingualism at the workplace (2017)
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My Plan - Peer coaching for migrant cleaners in the Netherlands (2018)
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National Centre for Swedish as a Second Language
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National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)
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National curriculum in Norwegian language and social studies for adult immigrants
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Network Migration in Europe
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Norway - LfW country profile (2016)
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Observatoire de l'Usage de Langues en entreprISe (OULis)
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Odysseus – Second language at the workplace (2003)
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Opportunities to learn through work (2011)
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Origins, development and future of Industrial Language Training (1987)
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Penser le français langue professionnelle (2006)
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Policymaker guide to workplace literacy programmes (1995)
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Prevención de riesgos laborales en hostelería / Risk management course (2009)
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Professional development for workplace language and literacy practitioners (2006)
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Projekt SpraSiBeQ / Training for vocational teachers (2014)
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Publicity for workplace literacy in New Zealand (2013)
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Qualifizierung für Kursleiterinnen und Kursleiter Berufsbezogener DaZ-Unterricht (2016)
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Quebec Centre for Literacy
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Recruiting immigrant workers: Europe (2016)
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Recruitment and retention of workplace literacy learners (2013)
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Référentiel des compétences clés en situation d’illettrisme / Key skills framework (2009)
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Research for English language education
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Research on work-related education
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Research review - Literacy and numeracy in VET (2001)
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Resources from Russia (2014)
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Review of integration in the UK (2016)
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Review of US workplace literacy programmes (1996)
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Role of workplace literacy in high performance organisations (1995)
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