How learning happens at work (2011)
Vaughan, K., O’Neil, P. and Cameron, M. (2011), Successful Workplace Learning: How learning happens at work. Wellington: Industry Training Federation / New Zealand Council for Educational Research – Te Rūnanga O Aotearoa Mō Te Rangahau I Te Mātauranga.
Report on a research study of teaching and learning at six different New Zealand workplaces, across four different industry sectors: agriculture, construction, leisure and tourism, and social care.
The study, which included a literature review as well as primary research at the six workplaces, focused on identifying the kinds of conditions, strategies, and activities that make workplace learning successful in a range of ways including employee retention and motivation, qualification completion, employee participation in communities of practice, and workplace productivity.
Country: New Zealand
Language: English
Date: 2010s
Criteria: Scientific