Language for work competences

Checklists of competences useful to professionals and others, to support work-related majority language (L2) learning by migrants and ethnic minorities


How the checklists are organised

The checklists of competences are organised by

  • Setting – that is, where the work-related L2 learning is being supported (for example, in a language classroom, or in the workplace itself, etc.)
  • Support role – that is, the people present in the setting who can provide support (for example, teachers, job centre staff, volunteers, managers and colleagues, etc.)

Setting 1
L2 teacher
L2 learning provider

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Setting 2
L2 teacher
L2 learning provider
Job Centre

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Setting 3
L2 teacher
L2 learning provider
● Job Centre
● VET (vocational education and training) providers
● volunteers and/or other partners in the community
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Setting 4
L2 teacher
L2 learning provider
colleagues (e.g. as mentors)
trade unions and workers’ representatives
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General competences 

Checklist of competences helpful to anyone, regardless of role, who is supporting work-related L2 learning by migrants and refugees, in any setting.
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About the checklists

The LfW competence checklists are based on 

  • practice examples of support for work-related L2 learning across Europe and Canada
  • expertise of members of the Language for work network working as teachers, teacher-trainers and researchers. 

Please note that the checklists are not prescriptive, nor are they a 'to-do' list for professional development. These checklists aim simply to make visible a number of competences found to be useful in practice. 

Language, work, and support for learning

The checklists reflect certain understandings about language, work and support for learning:

1. Language 

Language is more than a formal system of grammar and lexis to be learnt in the classroom. It is an instrument to construct social realities, including vocational/work-related knowledge and know-how. Language use is interpersonal and thus shaped by social norms and power relationships. Negotiation of meaning is bilateral (or multilateral) and depends on more than just language forms. In any act of communication, those involved have a shared responsibility for mutual understanding. In the context of work, this includes employers and colleagues.

2. Work-related language skills

Work-related language skills are the skills people need to find suitable employment, to contribute positively as employees, to progress at work and to learn and develop. These skills are often context-specific and constantly evolving. They reflect not only the various communicative requirements of particular fields of work and the different roles within them, but also social norms related to work, both generally and in specific settings. 

3. Language learning

Language learning is the process through which a learner acquires communicative ability in the target language. This process occurs over a period of time, and in a variety of ways, of which the most important is interaction in the language. The process takes place within the learner, but it can be supported in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, formal instruction. 

Support for language learning is most likely to be effective when it is based on a realistic understanding of language acquisition by adults.  There is a wide range of opportunities for many different actors (including employers and colleagues at work) to support the L2 learning of migrants in many different ways.

4. Support for work-related language learning

Support for work-related L2 learning is most likely to be effective when it combines expertise in language learning with an understanding of work requirements. In practice (and unsurprisingly, given the range of work requirements), this combination of expertise is rarely present in a single individual or organisation. Consequently, collaboration between actors from different fields, such as language instruction, vocational education and training, labour market support, and the workplace itself, is likely to be desirable. 

5. L2 teachers and providers

L2 teachers and providers are expert in teaching language in formal settings. Sometimes they also bring expertise in other forms of support for language learning. They may also bring expertise in specific vocational fields, though this is less common.

To provide effective support for work-related language learning, some understanding of the relevant vocational field is essential. Cooperation with employers, job centres, trade unions, centres of vocational education and training, and so on can help L2 teachers and providers with this understanding. The skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for cooperation of this kind are therefore valuable to L2 teachers and providers wanting to support work-related L2 learning.

How can the checklists be used?

Use these competence checklists to support:

  • quality assurance programmes for
    • educational providers, including adult and continuing education, L2 language providers, VET (vocational education and training) providers
    • employers generally
  • organisational development programmes for educational providers and employers generally
  • training and train-the-trainer programmes
  • work with and by policy makers concerned with migrant integration, in particular labour market integration

Role of learners

Some individuals appear to perform more effectively as language learners than other individuals. Their effectiveness may be shaped by many factors, including some that could be considered as ‘competences’, such as personal learning strategies. 

In this description of competences, however, we are focusing on professionals supporting language learning. For that reason, no checklist of learner competences is offered.