Language for work competences

Checklists of competences useful to professionals and others, to support work-related majority language (L2) learning by migrants and ethnic minorities

Setting 1: Learner, L2 teacher, L2 learning provider

L2 teacher
L2 learning provider

The key actors in this setting are the learner, the L2 teacher and the L2 learning provider. The learners are mostly job seekers, but they may also be employees wanting to improve their L2 skills to find a better or more secure position.

The provision is classroom-based, and often structured as a course. 

Work placements may be included, but visits to workplaces of interest to learners are more common. 

Instruction is the predominant mode of support for learning, but with some support for self-directed and autonomous learning – such encouragingt internet research by learners, language observation tasks focused on communication at work or in everyday life outside the classroom; also,  peer-learning and peer-coaching. 

Competences for the L2 teacher

The L2 teacher is familiar with:

  • the local/regional labour market
  • work-related language skills in workplaces of interest for learners
  • analysis of work-related language requirements 
  • analysis of learning needs  

The L2 teacher is aware that:

  • each workplace is a functional system with its own aims and goals, power relations, priorities, structures and procedures, etc.
  • learners’ autonomy can be valuably fostered by exploiting the language learning opportunities of L2 environments
  • the psycho-social situation of migrants, and particularly refugees, may impact on their L2 learning
  • learners may have very different educational backgrounds, including in VET (vocational education and training)
  • learners may have very different levels of literacy – and that in some circumstances work-related L2 instruction may include basic skills, such as numeracy

The L2 teacher is willing to:

  • engage with the learners’ field of work (actual or prospective)

The L2 teacher is able to:

  • work cooperatively with other actors, including vocational teachers, job centres, non-professional mentors/volunteers, employers, workplace instructors 
  • adapt methods of needs analysis and requirements analysis to own specific situation, e. g. no access to companies, or learners working in different sectors, etc.
  • develop a learning programme that addresses the needs and requirements of diverse groups of learners
  • address the learning priorities of other relevant stakeholders, such as job centres
  • use a range of approaches to support learning, including for example the arrangement of work placements in local companies
  • offer information, guidance and advice to learners on work-related L2 issues 

Competences for the L2 learning provider

L2 Learning providers are organisations, including adult education centres, that provide L2 instruction. Competences are helpful to anyone in the organisation who represents the provider with external actors. Includes provider managers and also teachers representing the provider with other actors The L2 provider is familiar with:

  • the local/regional labour market 
  • the process of L2 acquisition, including enablers and barriers to L2 acquisition, and can relate them to the specific situation of learners in own institution
  • language requirements of a variety of jobs (accessible to the learners)
  • qualification structure and forms of education and vocational training provision
  • needs and requirements analysis and how to support staff to implement/adapt them

The L2 provider is aware that:

  • each workplace is a functional system with own aims and goals, power relations, priorities, structures and procedures, etc.
  • the psycho-social situation of migrants, and particularly refugees, may impact on their L2 learning

The L2 provider is able to:

  • develop relationships that can support work-related L2 learning, including relationships with -  
    • local employers (for work placements, visits to companies, analysis of work-related language requirements, etc.)
    • job centres, voluntary sector organisations, chambers of commerce, trade unions, employers’ associations, local government, round tables/economic development projects 
    • VET schools and centres
    • migrant organisations, local communities
    • volunteers and volunteer organisations
  • provide professional development for own staff regarding work-related L2
  • support teaching staff with whatever needed: equipment, contacts for placements, visits.
  • provide information and advice and guidance (for learners) to support their language and vocational development

Examples of Setting 1

LanCook (Finland)

LanCook was a three-year EU-funded Lifelong Learning project (December 2011-2014). The project focused on the language of work tasks and workplace activity. It included the creation of language learning materials in seven languages. These materials used digital technology to enable and support innovative approaches to language learning.
View example

Radio project (France)

This approach aims to help learners to explain precisely what they do at work. It involves learners creating a radio programme in which they talk about what they do at work. It was developed by ALPES (Association lyonnaise de promotion et d'éducation sociale).
View example

Russian for migrants (Russia) 

The approach is based on a flexible, expandable workplace curriculum. This curriculum covers eight topic areas: Greetings – First days in Russia – Living and working in Russia, learning Russian – Shopping – In Town – Healthcare and insurance – Work time, free time – Being law-abiding.
View example


Weissenberg J., Sprachbedarfsermittlung im berufsbezogenen Unterricht Deutsch als Zweitsprache, Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis (Practical guide to language needs assessment in vocational teaching of German as a second language), passage gGmbH, Hamburg, 2012.