Language Development Through Work
Braddell, A. (2012), Language Development through work. In Bär, M., Bonnet, A., Decke-Cornill, H., Grünewald, A. and Hu, A. (eds.) (2012), Globalisierung – Migration – Fremdsprachenunterricht, Dokumentation zum 24. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF) Hamburg, 28. September – 1. Oktober 2011. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren.
This paper discusses practitioner-led UK action research into ways to support learning in low-skill, low-pay workplaces, including how to help migrant workers learn English. The research, carried out between 2003 and 2011, consisted of four loosely linked projects. The first (2003-4) developed a bitesize curriculum for workplace language coaching. The second (2005-9) explored the potential of work activity itself as a vehicle for language learning. The third (2006-10) examined ways to motivate and enable operational managers to support workplace learning, while the fourth (2010-2011) investigated how to utilise informal peer learning for language development at work. Taken together, findings from these projects suggest a practical model for learning in low-skill, low-pay workplaces.
Country: Germany
Language: English
Date: 2010s
Criteria: Scientific, Policy