● Learner ● L2 teacher ● L2 learning provider ● Job centre ● VET providers ● volunteers ● partners in the community
This setting may include quite a number of different partners: learners, teachers, language and VET providers. Sometimes it includes job centres, and/or volunteers and other partners in the community. In other cases, there are just a few partners. The learners may be unemployed, job-seekers or participating in VET programmes. Aims may include social integration.
The L2 teacher is familiar with:
The L2 teacher is aware that/of:
The L2 teacher is able to:
Includes any non-L2 teacher, e.g. teacher of engineering skills, health and social care skills, mathematics/numeracy skills, etc.
The VET teacher is familiar with:
The VET teacher is aware that:
The VET teacher is able to:
L2 learning providers are organisations providing either L2 instruction or VET instruction, including adult education centres. Competences are helpful to anyone in the organisation who represents the provider with external actors.
The L2 / VET provider is familiar with:
The L2 / VET provider is aware of:
The L2 / VET provider is able to:
Job centres are organisations providing support for labour market entry, including public organisations responsible for matching individuals in receipt of welfare benefits to employment opportunities. Competences are helpful to staff, including case managers.
Job centre staff are familiar with:
Job centre staff are aware of:
Job centre staff are willing and able to:
Job centre staff are able to:
The volunteer is familiar with:
The volunteer is aware of / has some knowledge of:
The volunteer is able and willing to:
The partner is familiar with:
The partner is able and willing to:
ALL (Ireland)
Irish and English are the official languages in Ireland, and although Irish has status as the first language in Ireland, it is a minority language. The ALL programme aims to help public sector organisations in Ireland.View example
Insieme nell’accoglienza (Italy)
To help integrate asylum seekers in the labour market and community, a formal network of state institutions (Prefettura, the Job Centres of the Province of Treviso, CPIA), private organisation (small and medium enterprises.View example
Volunteer workplace tutoring scheme
This scheme was initiated by a large, not-for-profit organisation to support its own migrant staff. The organisation provides adult social care services, including residential care, day care and home care.View example