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Supporting migrants in low‐paid employment in London to improve their English (2017)
Braddell A. and Miller L. (2017), Supporting migrants in low‐paid, low‐skilled employment in London to improve their English, in Beacco J-C., Krumm H-J., Little D. and Thalgott P. (eds) (2017), The Linguistic integration of adult migrants - Some lessons from research / L’intégration linguistique des migrants adultes - Les enseignements de la recherche, De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin / Council of Europe, Strasbourg.
Describes research carried out in 2013 to identify the barriers to and enablers of English language development for migrants in low-paid, low-skilled employment in London, with a view to making practical recommendations on how to help this group improve their English. Sixty migrants were interviewed about their experiences of and preferences for English language learning. Work emerged as a key location for learning, along with a clear set of requirements to support language development in the workplace.
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