Competences for employers, managers, supervisors, trade union officials
Employers, managers, supervisors, trade union officials are familiar with (or willing to find out about):
- the local/regional/national qualification structure and forms of education and training provision (particularly VET)
- systems of recognition of foreign qualifications or qualifications obtained informally
- the broad outline of educational systems of the countries of origin of migrant workers
- basic concepts of L2 acquisition, enablers and barriers
Employers, managers, supervisors, trade union officials are aware of:
- the psycho-social situation of migrant and refugees and its (possible) impact on learning/working
- different education backgrounds and learning cultures and systems in the countries of origin of the learners
Competences for workplace colleagues
Workplace colleagues are aware of:
- the relativity of culture/cultures (the way we do things here)
Workplace colleagues are willing to:
- respect other ‘cultures’ and value diversity
- and able to negotiate meaning
Competences for managers of workplace learning initiatives
Managers of workplace learning initiatives are aware of:
- different partners’ preconditions/interests and desires
Managers of workplace learning initiatives are able to:
- negotiate and suggest solutions for cooperation