Language for work projects



Language for work project: tools for professional development (2016-2018) 

Tools for professional development (2016-2018) followed on from Language for work Developing migrants’ language competences at work (2012-2015). This ECML three-year project developed a range of tools to enhance the skills of professionals supporting work-related L2 learning in the fields of language learning for adult migrants, integration programmes for adult migrants, vocational education and training, adult education, human resources and labour market support services

The team

The international coordinating team consisted of: 

  • Matilde Grünhage-Monetti coordinator, free lance researcher and trainer, formerly researcher at the Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung/Leibniz-Zentrum für Lebenslanges Lernen, Germany
  • Christophe Portefin, second working language documentalist, practitioner-researcher, director of ACCENTONIC, a not-for-profit learning provider of vocational French, Villemomble, France 
  • Alexander Braddell, website correspondent, director of Oxfordshire Skills Escalator Centre Community Interest Company Limited (OSEC CIC Ltd), a research and training company in vocationally related migration issues, United Kingdom
  • Kerstin Sjövsärd, communications person, project Manager Stockholm Gerontology Research Center, later project leader at the Health and Care Service College, Stockholm. 

The team was supported in 2017 by Svenja Haberland, holder of an ECML fellowship.


Alexander BRADDELL
United Kingdom
Christophe PORTEFIN


Central events directly supported by ECML:

  • Four team meetings
  • The network meeting in 2017 attracted 26 experts from 16 countries, including Canada and the Russian Federation.
  • The final workshop, 23th and 24th October 2018, was attended by over 40 participants from 29 European countries and Canada.
  • The high number of participants at ECML events, both from member states and self-funded shows the growing international interest in the issues raised by Language for work, in both projects and in the network of professionals with different profiles and functions: civil servants, publishers, providers, trade unions, researchers, skill agency representatives, teachers, etc. Their diverse expertise and perspectives advanced the project, the network and the project website.


The main outcomes of the project were:

International recognition 

The reputation of the Language for work projects and of its network as pool of international specialists, was further consolidated. Team and network members represented the network in intergovernmental consultations, at the LIAM (linguistic integration of adult migrants) symposium 2016, and at national and international conferences and congresses across Europe and in the USA and Canada.

Language for work project receives the European Language Label award

On behalf of the Language for work project, the coordinator, Matilde Grünhage Monetti, received  the prize for the book Lingua e lavoro, a cooperation  between the Italian publishers Loescher and LaLinea and the ECML. Read more


This is a project of the European Centre for Modern Languages within its "Languages at the heart of learning" programme 2016-2019.
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