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Andrea Rabassini, “Il mondo del lavoro”: percorsi per studenti adulti del Primo Livello e di italiano L2, in "EPALE Journal", 15 (2024), pp. 94-98; Margherita Matellini Flamini, Lavoro e istruzione degli adulti. Corsi di italiano L2 per studenti lavoratori, ivi, pp. 99-105.

The CPIA Alberto Manzi in La Spezia (Italy) is a center for adult education. At the CPIA Alberto Manzi, several meetings with external experts have been organized, focusing on the world of work and targeting groups of adult students, both Italian L2 learners and students in the first two years of upper secondary school. Following an experimental phase in 2022-2023, the project was expanded and implemented in a more structured manner the following year. Andrea Rabassini's article outlines the key features of the program offered to participants, highlighting its success and outcomes, including in terms of glottodidactic practices, and provides suggestions for making the initiative transferable. Margherita Matellini Flamini's article, on the other hand, offers a brief description of how certain Italian L2 courses were adapted within the same CPIA Alberto Manzi to meet the needs of its users. The latter, consisting entirely of workers—mainly from the shipbuilding and nautical sectors—exhibits specific characteristics that give rise to well-defined needs.
Pays: Italy
Langue(s): Italian
Date: 2020s
Critères: Practical


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