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Opportunities to learn through work (2011)

Felstead A., Fuller A., Jewson N. and Unwin L. (2011), Praxis 7 - Working to learn, learning to work. London: UKCES.

Praxis is a think-piece series published by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES). The series seeks to explore key and emerging issues and ideas in employment and skills policy.

Praxis 7 explores the relationship between workplace learning, the organisation of work and performance management.

“When it comes to learning at work, therefore, the very act of doing a job provides real opportunities to learn and develop; but not all jobs offer the same chances. What a job involves, how it is designed and how it fits into wider productive systems and processes beyond the workplace, impacts on how far an individual employee has the capacity to learn, grow and innovate in their role. 'The resources for learning lie all around in the workplace and in the wider productive system, but they need to be mobilised in order to play their part in supporting the sharing and creation of ideas'” (p. 22).
Pays: UK
Langue(s): English
Date: 2010s
Critères: Scientific, Policy


 Nouveau  Petit guide pratique

Comment aider les migrants adultes à développer des compétences langagières en lien avec le travail

Disponible en allemand, anglais, bulgare, croate, espagnol, estonien, finlandais, français, irlandais, italien, néerlandais, russe et suédois

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